【澳洲QLD】 RSA+RSG口說題目&答案

by li xuan


  • RSA、RSG、RCG是什麼?
  • RSG跟RCG的差別?
  • 澳洲RSA題目+答案
  • 澳洲RSG題目+答案






Responsible Service of Alcohol簡稱RSA或是酒牌,澳洲政府規定只要是銷售、提供酒類服務都需要具有酒牌,因此如果是想在餐廳、夜店、俱樂部、飯店業打工,基本上都會被要求須具備RSA證照。而RSA證照課程就只是讓你了解客人喝醉要怎麼處理、不能向未成年販售酒精等相關基礎知識,但是不會教你要怎麼調酒…….(版主也是很好奇那為什麼要叫酒牌!?)





Responsible Gambling Services簡稱為RSG或是賭牌,如果打工的地方有提供賭博、電子遊戲機等,那麼就會被要求要有RSG的證照,課程內容主要就是教你辨別誰有賭博成癮、提供方法幫助賭博成癮者等,除了NSW是用RCG以外,其他州都是用RSG




Responsible Conduct of Gambling簡稱RCG,也是賭牌的一種,但僅適用於NSW(新南威爾斯),版主去澳洲求職網看了一下,確實是在NSW的餐廳/飯店業的服務生都會被要求要有RCG,所以主要是看你要待哪一州,如果要待NSW的話一定要RCG不能用RSG



版主是位於昆士蘭州,當初是在Galaxy Training上線上課程,然後選擇 RSA+RSG Bundle,因為2個一起上才32澳幣,如果單上一個RSA就要22澳幣,這個網站價格也滿便宜的,所以就選擇在這網站上課,但還是有很多其他網站有提供線上課,就選一個自己喜歡的唄



以下就分享OLD之RSA線上課程口試考題,以及版主的回答,但老實說版主的回答也是有參考其他人~ 這個口試的題目是在最後環節,就是要自己拿著手機錄影回答,影片長度不能超過30秒,至於要不要露臉,版主自己是有露臉,但是也有朋友分享他沒開鏡頭錄影也是有過關,就各位自己決定囉~另外如果答案不符合的話,會退回並要求重新錄製影片

you encounter this customer(click to see the video). This customer is sober  but approaches the bar counter and orders a triple shot of whiskey. What would you say to such a customer?

回答:I’m sorry, sir. We don’t offer a triple shot of whiskey, because it’s not a standard drink.How about other drinks on the menu?

he is falling over and is displaying violent lessons – breaking glass, shouting at staff and other customers, etc. Being a responsible staff member, you have refused to serve more alcohol and asked the customer to leave. This customer gets further aggressive and abusive and refuses to leave. How will you handle this situation?

回答:I am sorry ,sir. We can not serve you any alcohol today.Do you see the signage in there? According to the law, it’s illegal to serve people who are intoxicated.  I just try to keep my job’s duty. So, please calm down and stop your behavior right now. Or we will call a security staff or police. If you want we can call a taxi for you to send you home. Always, welcome you come back at any time.

A customer approaches the bar counter and orders an alcoholic beverage. You notice that the customer is intoxicated and her speech, balance and coordination is affected. Her eyes are red and glassy and she is careless about her personal grooming. She starts crying and gets very upset when you refuse to serve her further alcohol. What will you say to the customer in this situation?

回答:Hello,mate, are you ok? I am sorry. I can not give you more drinks today. it’s safe for you to stop drinking tonight. How about soda? or do you have friends who can drive you home?or, we can call taxi for you

You encountered this customer(click to see video). This customer is sober and friendly but looks like she may be underage. What will you say to such a customer?

回答:hello may I check your ID.Because of the law, we can not serve customer who is underage


You observe that a customer has been gambling continuously for 5 hours without taking any break and has already spent over $800. His behavior is now getting aggressive towards staff and other customers. What support will you provide to this customer to minimize harm in gambling activities?

回答:Excuse me, is everything ok? Maybe you want to take a break. It sounds like things aren’t going too well for you right now. I want to let you know that we’re here to help you. Here is the number of Gambling Help Services, it is a free helpline. If you agree, we can call a customer liaison officer to help you.

A customer approaches you and explains that he wants to borrow $200 until he gets paid on Friday as he is a little short of cash. He explains that the licensee is his friend and lets him do this all the time and he regularly pays the money back when he gets paid. He only wants to play pokies for another hour or so to recover his losses, then he will head off home. Being a responsible staff member, what will you say to the customer in this situation?

回答:Sorry Sir, I cannot borrow you money, maybe you can come another day. It seems like you are addicted to gambling. I think you need some help, Gambling Helpline is free, and it is a great place to start. Self-exclusion, active monitoring and other options might be helpful. Here is the phone number, if you agree, we can tell them to help you.

A customer approaches you and explains that he is considering self-exclusion to help his gambling problems. He is a little hesitant because he has no idea how it works but he really wants to do something to address his gambling problems. How will you handle this situation? Pretend you(customer liaison officer) are speaking directly to the problem gambler; record your response.

回答:no problem, we are willing to help you. the self exclusion program with sign foams that means we agree not to let you gamble that will exclude you from the whole venue or certain areas you agree to. that will be your responsibility to stay away from that area.

It has come to your attention that one player has been going back and forth between the ATM and the gaming machine. As you observed his behavior in the gaming area, you noticed that he is already agitated and is playing with lots of emotions going. For everyone’s best interest, you are to place an exclusion on him. How are you going to do this? Pretend you(customer liaison officer) are speaking directly to the problem gambler; record your response.

回答:sir, can you give me a few minutes, please. I want to talk to you about venue initiated exclusion progress in private.Since, I had noticed you are agitated and emotional. Gambling more to recover losses is not a good idea. we can help you, if you agree, we can issue you an exclusion direction and you can not enter or remain in the gaming area for a few years.








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